Our Mission: A church for all people to meet and deepen their relationship with King Jesus.
Jesus leaves the disciples these words in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
As part of the mission of White Oak Baptist Church, we believe in being active in local, national, and world missions. Our local ministry is focused on 2 primary areas. First is the homeless community of Chattanooga. We have an active ministry that meets the physical and spiritual needs of the homeless in Chattanooga. Secondly, we are active in the Hamilton County Baptist Association and its mission to reach Chattanooga with the gospel of Jesus. Through Hamilton County we are able to help with food for the hungry, ESL for those who are learning English, and for supporting the Baptist Collegiate Ministry at UTC.
Nationally, as part of the SBC, we participate in things such as Disaster Relief, Church Planting, and much more through the North American Mission Board. We have had members of our church participate helping with Disaster Relief throughout the years.
Internationally, we have taken several teams to Jamaica for revivals, VBS camps, construction projects, baseball camps, and much more. We also participate in the International Mission Board of the SBC, which helps plant churches across the globe, as well as help provide medical support and supplies for developing nations.
The desire and mission of White Oak is to be global because the gospel is global. We want to keep the mission of the gospel and the world before our people as we look to serve Jesus through serving humanity.
Our Current Missions Activities:
- Ministry to the community of Hi-Hat, Kentucky. (Providing Food Boxes, Clothes, and Christmas Presents to kids). Take trips throughout the year.
- Mission Trip to the Apache Nation in Arizona. (Trip will be taking place the Summer of 2024).
- Local Mission Activities.